Engleza, întrebare adresată de stanciualex36, 8 ani în urmă

Write a short story about a misadventure you had once
in the past. (use past perfect simple and past simple
whenever is necessary).​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iRackk


A few days ago i went on a car trip with my older brother. Our plan was go to on a trip for a week,traveling trough the entire country. When we left home we thought that we had everything we would need and that we were ready for the trip of our life. The first two days were fun until we noticed that we were running out of supplies. My brother had forgotten to take all the food that we had prepared. Even though we were enjoying the trip we sadly had to come back just after two days because we had no food left. We were sad that we had to come back so soon.

PS: pot sa scriu aceasta compunere si la cealalta intrebare pentru a primi puncte de 2 ori?


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