Write a story about what the owl
SAW on Halloween? Remember
to answer: Who, what, when,
where, why and how
repede va rooog

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Under the Halloween moon the graveyard shifts uneasily. Plants rustle, birds fly into the fast fading light, startled by the unseen. An owl glances slowly around the place, easily frightened by the echoes of whispers the wind carry. Violent eddies of wind gust dirt and leaf into mini tornadoes that die before suspicion is roused. Only when the soil cracks along graves long overgrown with weeds do the children telling ghost stories around a candle experience the gut churning transition from excitement to fear. With a creak that could wake the dead a crypt opens and from the darkness comes only the stench of the dead at first, then a single pair of glowing eyes that change from amber to scarlet with the frequency of a beating heart. The owl looks at it and flies away into the darkness of the night, back to the bustling city to alert the others.
Daca ai nelamuriri, nu ezita sa ma intrebi :)