Engleza, întrebare adresată de scaredvulcano, 8 ani în urmă

Write a verb as predicate in sentences in the following tenses: future simple, present continuous. present simple, past simple, present perfect simple, present continuous. Write a sentence for each tense.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



  • Future Simple

The Chrismas holidays will start next week.

  • Present Continuous

I am writing a letter to Santa Claus at the moment.

  • Present Simple

My cousins usually come to spend their holidays with us, in our city.

  • Past Simple

Sandra received an interesting book to read on her last birthday.

  • Present Perfect Simple

Our new neighbours have made a lot of noise today, they have just moved in.

  • Present Perfect Continuous

Their baby has been crying for two hours.


Utilizator anonim: Desenați un cerc cu centrul O, apoi fixați pe acest cerc punctele A, B, C astfel încât măsurile arcelor AB, BC și CA să fie 50°, 150° respectiv 160°. Stabiliți valoarea de adevăr a propozițiilor:
a) O ∈ AC .
b) Arcul mare AC are măsura de 200°.
c) ∢AOC = 80°.
d) Triunghiul AOB este isoscel.
danaradu70: b si d adevarate , a si c false.
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