Engleza, întrebare adresată de Daniel2571, 9 ani în urmă

Write about your eating habits.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Healthy eating habits are important for a better state of health and prevent chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and having a direct impact in reducing work-related stress.

Alert in the working environment of our days, lunch is an hour of rest required a relaxation and networking opportunity in the workplace, according to the study conducted in Romania in 2014 Enderet.

Romanians are concerned about healthy eating. However they fail to adopt a healthy lifestyle in your daily routine and eating fast food is the solution to many calls for not having time to cook or go out to lunch.

Regarding the average price seen as reasonable for lunch, according to the study, it is 13 lei in a fast food restaurant, where the food delivered 17 lei and 27 lei for a lunch at restaurant.

The same study found that 62% of Romanian employees spend less than 30 minutes lunch, eating hurriedly inside job. However the respondents think lunch that time of day in which charges the batteries with colleagues, friends or family is a good opportunity to take a relaxing break.

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