Engleza, întrebare adresată de popapaula777, 8 ani în urmă

Write about your school day.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sebyjosan2010


My class start at eight o'clock p.m.(la câte începe,asa e la mine).I have a pause of ten minute after each hour.The theacher teach only 50 minutes.I finish school at(termin scoala la ora...)two o'clock a.m. every day.

Sper ca te-am ajutat:)

popapaula777: multumesc!!
Răspuns de Andrushka23
My lessons always starts at 8:30, and if you dont get there in time, you’ll have to get signed in, followed by a detention after lessons. I always meet up with my best friends, joking and laughing together to lighten the mood. After the first lessons that lasts one hour and forty minutes, i have a twenty minutes break, where i always go to the canteen with friends to get some breakfast. Usually, there are croissants and cheese sandwiches, followed by hot chocolate or apple/ orange juice. After the break we all head to our second lesson, spending another hour and forty minutes standing and listening to what the teacher is teaching and explaining. At lunchtime we decide to go to either the library, or to the canteen. Most of the time is library, because we love reading and writing little stories, and also because we have a special eating place with a tv and charges for the phones. At the end of the day, after another hour and forty minutes lesson, we all head back to our houses,

Asta e rutina mea obișnuita, dacă vrei sa schimbi ceva e ok.
Sper ca te-am ajutat ❤️

popapaula777: multumesc!!
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