Engleza, întrebare adresată de catrinajonip2owse, 8 ani în urmă

Write an argumentative essay on the topic of working part-time while studying in no more than 200 words.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tabacaruteodora480
Part time working while studying may be hard and challenging, but sometimes it brings benefits and goods, and at the same time cons, while working part time u can earn money and provide more of the things you want and need, but at the same time your grades might drop since you dont have that much time for study as before, but if u personally can handle both studying and working part time you should definitely consider doing it!

tabacaruteodora480: hey scuze ca te intreb dar te deranjeaza daca imi dai brainliest answer te rog?
Răspuns de luanacursaru
Working part time while studying

Working part time while studying can be a good way to earn some extra money. It would definitely take some time adjusting to such a hectic program between school work and a job, but it will absolutely be worth it in the end. While also getting a great first job experience before leaving school, you will easily get some advantage for your full time job, after graduation, learning about team work and overall nice work/life balance.

Sper ca te am ajutat!! Let me know daca vrei sa explic sau sa schimb ceva :)

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