Write an article about education(for or against it)+ translate în română Va rog frumos sa mă ajuți urgent!....
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Education, meaning school, it's a good thing. Everybody needs to learn so our society would grow. Without school we would have had the same tools as 1000 years ago and we wouldn't have electricity or technology. In my opinion schools are ment to help us but teachers make them horrible. Almost every child complains about their teachers. Even tough there will always be that one teacher that it's fun and we all love.
Educatia, insemnand scoala, e un lucru bun. Toata lumea trebuie sa invete ca societatea noastra sa creasca. Fara scoala am fi avut aceleasi ustensile ca acum 1000 de ani si nu am fi avut electricitate sau tehnologie. In opinia mea scolile sunt menite sa ne ajute dar profesorii le fac oribile. Aproape orice copil se plange de profesorii sai. Si chiar asa mereu va fi acel profesor amuzant pe care il iubim cu totii.