Engleza, întrebare adresată de abelcaluseri, 8 ani în urmă

Write an email to your English speaking friend explaining that you would .like to apply to do a course at one of the colleges in the city he lives telling him or her what type of studies you have been doing for the past few years and ask for assistance in contacting an appropriate institution
150-200 words

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de jessicaiftimie565

Dear (aici pui ce nume vrei tu)

Iwish to tell you that i would really love to study in one of the colleges of your cities.First,because they are mostly based on the fields i'm really good in,such as(aici pune la ce materii esti tu bun).I've been studying english,mostly at school but I've also learned a lot from TV shows,songs or web sites.Also, I' pretty good at (aici scrie la ce esti bun) ,and it's kind of a passion to me.I am looking forward to hearing from you

Your friend,(aici pune numele tau)

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