Write conditional sentences with the pairs of sentences
1)He dug up his garden. He found tresure buried there.
2)He reported his discovery to the police. He didn'tget to keep the treasure.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
IF Clauses - the 3rd rule
Write conditional sentences with the pairs of sentences.
Scrieți propoziții condiționale cu perechile de enunțuri.
Rezolvarea exercițiului:
1) He dug up his garden. He found a tresure buried there.
If he hadn't dug up his garden, he wouldn't have found a treasure.
2) He reported his discovery to the police. He didn't get to keep the treasure.
If he hadn't reported his discovery to the police, he wouldn't have got to keep the treasure.
If Clauses - the 3rd rule
(regula a 3 pentru propozițiile subordonate condiționale)
IF + Past Perfect // perfect conditional (main sentence)
IF Sarah had been with us // she would have played the guitar in the evening.
Dacă Sarah ar fi fost cu noi // ne-ar fi cântat la chitară seara.