Engleza, întrebare adresată de dancepoi25, 8 ani în urmă

Write down a list of skills you possess that help you communicate well with others.
What additional communication skills would you like to acquire or which ones would you like to improve? Write a short paragraph in which you explain how these skills can contribute to better understanding between you and other people.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hello8976
Some skills that help me to communicate well with others is:
- Hand gestures: When we use hand gestures we are more likely to remember the information being talked about than if gestures were not involved.
- Talking smoothly: When someone talks smooth and specific we understand them better and pay attention more. To improve this I sometimes practice with my friends!
- Good posture: This is also like smooth talking, if you are confident in the conversation people pay their attention to you more!

(Atât m-am putut gândi)
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