Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Write five questions beginning What would you do if ...?
Write down the answers.
Think about. ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xxHelpAKidxx

A: What would you do if you met a rockstar?

B: If I met a rockstar I would ask them for an autograph.

A: What would you do if you met an alien?

B: If I met an alien, I would probably freak out.

A: What would you do if you went on a holiday to Britain?

B: If I went on a holiday to Britain, I would visit a lot of places and take pictures.

A: What would you do if you went to ACE?

B: If I went to ACE, I would feel very happy and excited.

A: What would you do if you found a lot of money on the street?

B: I would turn them into the autorithies since someone probably lost them.

Sper că te-am ajuat! :)

Utilizator anonim: Mulțumesc! Intuiam ceva că utilizatorul celălalt nu a făcut cum trebuie.
Utilizator anonim: Mulțumesc din tot sufletul!
xxHelpAKidxx: Nu a facut corect deoarece nu a urmărit exemplele pe care ti le dădea exercitiul.
Utilizator anonim: Da. Mulțumesc frumos!
xxHelpAKidxx: Succes in continuare! :)
Utilizator anonim: Mulțumesc la fel!!!!
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