Engleza, întrebare adresată de deliayou18p81w35, 8 ani în urmă

Write one suitable word in each numbered space to complete this passage:
It would seem an undeniable (1)______________that technology and science have been responsible for mankind’s slow (2) __________________from the caves of the Stone Age to the high-rise buildings of the 20th century. Beginning with primitive man’s (3)_________________ of fire and his attempts at tool-making, humans have sought ways of mastering their environment. The (4) ___________________of the wheel, the development of agriculture, the invention of the printing press, the discovery that electricity can (5)__________________harnessed –each new advance has added to man’s growing ascendance over his world. At the start of the twenty-first century, much of the Western world lives in a (6)_____________________of comfort unimaginable even fifty years ago. Agricultural methods have advanced to the (7)___________________that land previously(8)___________________ of feeding hundreds can now feed thousands. Communication between opposite sites of the planet can take (9)___________________instantaneously. We are on the (10) ______________ of cloning human beings, a scientific breakthrough that twenty years ago seemed science fiction.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de axel0
  1. fact
  2. progress
  3. control
  4. invention
  5. be
  6. state
  7. extent
  8. incapable
  9. place
  10. brink
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