Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Write sentences in present perfect simple. 1) they/ask/a question- ... ; 2) he/speak/English-...; 3) I/be/in my room-... ; 4) we/not/wash/the car-... ; 5) Annie/not/forget/her homework-... .

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Hi there!

Cerinta: Write sentences in present perfect simple.

             Scrie propozitii cu present perfect simple.


1) they/ask/a question

They have asked a question.

2) he/speak/English

He has spoken English

3) I/be/in my room

I have been in my room.

4) we/not/wash/the car

We haven`t washed the car.

5) Annie/not/forget/her homework

Annie hasn`t forgotten her homework.


Present Perfect Simple  exprima actiuni incepute si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment nu este precizat; actiuni incepute in trecut, care continua in prezent si pot continua si in viitor

Mod de formare: Afirmativ:Subiect+have/has+ Verb-ed/forma a III-a

                Interogativ: Have/Has+ Subiect+ Verb-ed/forma a III-a

         Negativ: Subiect+ haven`t/hasn`t+ Verb-ed/forma a II-a


I am afraid I have lost my car keys.

It has snowed a lot this year.

My mother has gone to Tokyo to work.

Adverbe specifice: today; this week( month, year, summer, etc.); ever/never; since/for;  just;already;  yet; recently; lately; several times.

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