Write the correct adjective for each question below. Try to remember the words without looking at the box in Exercise 1 (adica : arrogant ,bossy,competitive,down-to-earth,easygoing ,generous ,loyal,self-confident ,sensitive,sociable)
1.Are you usually calm and relaxed -easygoing(exemplu)
2.Are you sure of your own abilities?
3.Are you isually faithful to your friends?
4.Do you like being with other people?
5.Do you often give people presents?
6.Do you have a practical approach to life?
7.Do you usually understand how people are feeling?
8.Do you want to be better then other people?
9.Do you think that other people are less important than you?
10.Do people think you are annoying when your tell them what to do ?
Heeelp meee :o3
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Write the correct adjective for each question below. Try to remember the words without looking at the box in Exercise 1 (adică : arrogant, bossy, competitive, down-to-earth, easygoing, generous, loyal, self-confident, sensitive, sociable)
Scrie adjectivul corect pentru fiecare întrebare de mai jos. Încearcă să îţi aminteşti cuvintele fără a te uita în caseta din Exerciţiul 1 (arogant, autoritar, competitiv, pragmatic, calm, generos, loial, încrezător, sensibil, sociabil)
1. Are you usually calm and relaxed? - easygoing
De obicei eşti calm şi relaxat? - calm
Rezolvarea exerciţiului:
2. Are you sure of your own abilities? - self-confident
Eşti sigur pe propriile tale abilităţi? - încrezător
3. Are you usually faithful to your friends? - loyal
De obicei eşti devotat prietenilor tăi? - loial
4. Do you like being with other people? - sociable
Îţi place să fii în preajma altor oameni? - sociabil
5. Do you often give people presents? - generous
Oferi deseori cadouri oamenilor? - generos
6. Do you have a practical approach to life? - down-to-earth
Abordezi viaţa în mod practic? - pragmatic
7. Do you usually understand how people are feeling? - sensitive
Înţelegi de obicei ce simt oamenii? - sensibil
8. Do you want to be better then other people? - competitive
Vrei să fii mai bun decât alţi oameni? - competitiv
9. Do you think that other people are less important than you? - arogant
Consideri că alţi oameni sunt mai puţin importanţi decât tine? - arogant
10. Do people think you are annoying when your tell them what to do ? - bossy
Oamenii cred despre tine că eşti enervant când le spui ce să facă? - autoritar.