write the milkman's statement to the police .Join the senteces using the present participle of the vebs in, italics

Răspunsuri la întrebare
5. Write the milkman's statement to the police. Join the sentences using the present participle of the verbs in italics.
Scrieți declarația lăptarului preyentată la poliție. Uniți enunțurile astfel încât să folosiți participiul prezent al verbelor scrise cu caractere cursive (italics).
At half past six this morning I was on my normal route, delivering milk to a large block of flats (model).
At half past six this morning I was on my normal route. I was delivering milk to a large block of flats. I had just reached Mr Hannay's flat on the first floor when the door opened. Mr Hannay asked me to come in. He sounded a bit stressed. He held out a one pound note. He said I could have it if I did him a favour. He wanted to exchange clothes with me for ten minutes. I agreed to do it. I thought that the extra money would be useful. Then Mr Hannay got dressed in my milkman's outfit and left the flat. I never saw him again.
At half past six this morning I was on my normal route, delivering milk to a large block of flats. I had just reached Mr Hannay's flat on the first floor when the door opened. Mr Hannay asked me to come in, sounding a bit stressed. He held out a one pound note, saying I could have it if I did him a favour. He wanted to exchange clothes with me for ten minutes. I agreed to do it, thinking that the extra money would be useful. Then Mr Hannay got dressed in my milkman's outfit and left the flat. I never saw him again.
Forma de present participle se folosește în mai multe situații. În fragmentul de mai sus, aceasta are rolul de a uni două acțiuni care se derulează concomitent sau foarte repede una după alta și subiectul este același.
Forma de present participle este verbul la infinitiv + terminația „-ing”.