Engleza, întrebare adresată de iulianatacu9690, 8 ani în urmă

Write the plurals of the following compound nouns.

1. Brief case-

2. Alarm-clock-

3. Spinning wheel-

4. Man-of -war-

5. On- looker-

6. Wishbone-

7. Shut down-

8. Pro consul-

9. Horse race-

10. Out-stay-

11. Step son-

12. Pass word-

13. Take off-

14. High way-

15. Handful-

16. Nick name-

17. Touch-me-not-

18. Hanger-on-

19. Court martial

20. Maid -of-honor-.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de melektair2

1. Brief cases

2. Alarm clocks

3. Spinning wheels

4. Men of War

5. Nu ai scris corect cuvântul ! Nu există !

6. Wishbones

7. Shut downs

8. Aceiași problemă !

9. Horse races

10. Out stays

11. Step sons

12. Pass words

13. Take offs

14. High ways

15. Handfulls

16. Nick-names

17. Touch-me-nots

18. Hanger ons

19. Court martials

20. Maids of honor

Sper că te-am ajutat ! ZI FRUMOASĂ !

Răspuns de cristinacriss520
1. brief case’s
2.Alarm clock’s
3.spinning weel’s
4.Man of war’s
5.On looker’s
8.pro consul’s
9.horse race’s
10.out staying
11.step son’s
12.pass words
13.take off’s
14high ways
16.nick names
20.maid’s of honor
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