Engleza, întrebare adresată de TUGUIDORUMIHAI, 9 ani în urmă

write the sentences in the interrogative and negative forms
1). SOPHIE BRUSHES her teeth times a day
2).She goest to school by bud.
3).She listens to music.
4).She chats with her parents for a while.
INT........... ... . .

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Write the sentences in the interrogative and negative forms

Scrieți enunțurile la forma interogativă și negativă


1). Sophie brushes her teeth three times a day.

NEG: Sophie doesn't brush her teeths three times a day.

INT: Does Sophie brush her teeths three times a day?

2). She goes to school by bus.

NEG: She doesn't go to school by bus.

INT: Does she go to school by bus?

3). She listens to music.

NEG: She doesn't listen to music.

INT: Does she listen to music?

4). She chats with her parents for a while.

NEG: She doesn't chat with her parents for a while.

INT: Does she chat with her parents for a while?



La persoana a III-a singular, verbele la timpul Present Tense Simple primesc de regulă „s” la forma afirmativă:

She invites all her friends at her party.

Ea își invită toți prietenii la petrecere,

Această marcă a persoanei a III-a singular apare și în enunțurile interogative și negative - în forma „does”, „does not/doesn't”:

INT. Does she invite all her friends at her party?

NEG. She does not (doesn't) invite all her friends at her party.

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