Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andreeuta17, 9 ani în urmă

Write the sentences with used to/didn't use to and the present or past simple... 1 She (not like)but she(drink)alot of it these days...2There (be) a lot of cars in this town but now everybody(ride) bicycles....3.He (not take) any exercise but now he(go) for a run every day...4.My grandparents (not travel)outside Britain but lasf year they(go) to Spain for the first time. .. 5.We (have)adog but it (die) a year ago....6.You (talk)all the time but you (be) very quiet these days....7.People (read) a lot in their free time but now they (watch) TV....8.Sandra (live) in Bristol but she (move) to Penzance last month..

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mellaaa
Didn't like Drank Were Rode Didn't took Went Didn't travel Went Had Died Took Were Read Warched Leave Moved
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