Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Write the verbs in the correct tense.Choose between present simple and present continuous:

1 The dog (bark) at the cat now
2The dog often (run) after the cat
3The baby (cry) a lot every day
4John and Sarah (try) to build a model village now
5Birds (fly) to the warm countries in automn
6Now Jean (draw) a picture for her art class
7Close that window!The wind (blow) strongly!
8 We always (say) goodbye to our teacher when the class is over .va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dinusilvia2003
1 is barking
2 runs
3 cries
4 are trying
5 fly
6 is drawing
7 is blowing
8 says

Utilizator anonim: ms mult stai sa copi si dupa scriu o alta intrebare dar o sa dureze ca e mult dse scris om
Utilizator anonim: ok
Utilizator anonim: ok.
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