Engleza, întrebare adresată de teodoracorodeanu, 8 ani în urmă

Write true answers to the questions. I Have you got a sister? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 2 Have you got a per? 3 Have you got a bike? 4 Has your flot/house got a garden? 5 Has your best friend got dark hair? 6 Has your school got a swimming pool? 7 Have all your friends got mobile phones? 8 Have your grandparents got a car? a​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sofiaelenalamasanu


Have you got a sister? Tu ai o sora/surioara? Yes, i have. Da, am. No, i haven't. Nu,nu am.

Have you got a pen? Tu ai un pix/stilou? Yes, i have. Da, am. No i haven't. Nu, nu am.

Have you got a bike? Tu ai o bicicleta? Yes, i have. Da, am. No, i haven't. Nu, nu am.

Has your flot/house got a garden? Casa ta are o gradina? Yes, it has. Da, are. No, it has not. Nu, nu are.

Has your best friend got dark hair? Prietena ta cea mai buna are parul negru? Yes, she has. Da, are. No, she hasn't. Nu, nu are.

Has your school got a swimming pool? Scoala ta are o piscina? Yes, it has. Da, are. No, it hasn't. Nu, nu are.

Have all your friends got mobile phone? Toti prietenii tai au telefon mobil? Yes, they have. Da, ei au. No, they hasn't. Nu, nu au.

Have your grandparents got a car? Bunicii tai au o masina? Yes, they have. Da, ei au. No, they dont. Nu, nu au.


Pls coroana <3

sofiaelenalamasanu: ok
teodoracorodeanu: scz
sofiaelenalamasanu: npkk❤️
sofiaelenalamasanu: nui nmk
teodoracorodeanu: poți să mă mai ajuci cu ceva te rogg...
sofiaelenalamasanu: desigur
teodoracorodeanu: mai am pe cont niște exerciți în engleza
teodoracorodeanu: primele
teodoracorodeanu: 2.
teodoracorodeanu: cu 0 răspunsuri
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