Engleza, întrebare adresată de Petru55, 9 ani în urmă

Write true sentences about yourself using the clues in brackets(),as in the example.Be careful:you need to add „for” or „since”.
1) I/play(your favourite sport)/(the duration).
I have been playing football for three years.
2) My family and I/live in(your town)/(the date).
3) I/study at(the name of your school)/(number of years).
4) My father/work at(his place of work)/(starting date).
5) I/learn English/(school year).
6) (Your best friend) and I/be best friend/(year when you met).
Vă rog frumos...!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Shinon
1) I have been playing *ce sport very tu* for *cat time ai jucat*
2) My family and I have been living in *orasul in care stai* since *ziua/luna/anul*
3) I have been studying at *numele scolii tale* for *cat timp ai invatat acolo*
4) My father has been working at *unde lucreaza total tau* since *ziua/luna/anul de cand lucreaza acolo*
5) I have been learning English since *anul in care ai inceput sa invite engleza*
6) *Numele prietenului tau cel mai bun* and I have been best friends since *anul in care v-ati cunoscut*

Petru55: Mersi...!!!E corect tot...?!?
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