Engleza, întrebare adresată de kaasne, 8 ani în urmă

Write what would you say in these situations. Use will/shall, going to or the present continuous.

1. Your neighbor is playing loud music late at night. You get angry and ask him to turn the volume down.

2. You’ve been offered a role in a film and have accepted. Tell your friends about it.

3. A friend is telling you about her wedding plans. Ask her where they plan to go for their honeymoon.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Loovte

1. Hello,your music is too loud. Will you turn the volume a bit lower? Thanks.

2. Hey,I've just got the role. Will you guys come watch me?

3.That's great,but where are you going to spend your honeymoon? You shall go somewhere at the beach. It's very beautiful in this time of the year.

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