Engleza, întrebare adresată de macarovandrei1079, 8 ani în urmă

Write your answer in about 100 words
You see this notice in an English-language teen magazine.

Articles wanted!


Write an article telling us what pets people usually have at home. What are the benefits of having a pet? What are the bad things of having a pet? The best article answering these questions will win £100!

Write your article.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Korra004


Most people love dogs, they are the most common pet in the whole world! People love them because most of them are very playful and happy, they love being around humans, and they like playing with toys and bringing joy to people. Having a pet has got lots of different responsabilities but also come with benefits. One good thing about having a pet is the pet itself. Who doesn't love being around a creature that just makes u happy by just existing? Also, every moment you spend together will be a memory later on. So in the end, who doesn't love having a pet?

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