Write your friend an email

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Sper ca nu era nevoie de un nume neaparat
dear Peter,
it's been a while since i last emailed you and i hope you won't think im only emailing you about my personal life but today it really is messed up. So you know Suzan right? Her office is right next to mine and things were chugging along nicely (Daca intreaba cineva ce inseamna "to chug along" spui ca e un fel de "sa mearga bine") between us until i heard how head over heals in love she is with the CEO. i didn't meant to take it to heart but it's really bothering me. she has been flirting with me for the past month or so and now she keeps running her mouth about the new CEO. i know i should put my foot down and not let her walk me over but i can't seem to be able to get her out of my mind. i need to get my foot in the door before i get fired, you know what i mean. so i've been trying to get her off her feet about the CEO to try and fix our relationship and still take extra hours. plus it's hard to win in an argument hands down, especially with her... she's way too hot headed. i'm sorry if what im saying makes no sense but sometimes i just need to get thing off my shoulder. i can't just grow eyes in the back of my head everytimes she's near me. please if you have any advice on how i can forget about her im all ears