Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andytgak, 9 ani în urmă

Write your story in 120-150 words and give it an appropiate title. Pay attention to the Following:
• you don't need to write long descriptions
• use dialogues only if they are relevant to your characters or events
• you should use this plan:

1. Introduction (paragraph 1 -set the scene)
2. Main Body (paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)

Va rog repede maine am ora si nu stiu sa o fac deloc. Dau foarte multe puncte!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Fabio44


     Hello!My name is [name], and you are never going to guess what happened to me last week.

    So i was minding my business, eating my sandwich  when all of a sudden a cat jumped in my face, quite literally- on my face and stole my sandwich.I got angry and decided to follow it, but following a cat isn't easy ya know?It's fast and agile, running through the trees likes a knife trough butter.But i didn't give up, at last i caught up to her and what i saw was beautiful, the cat was a she and she was getting food to feed her babies, of course she used breast milk but she needs food for that.So back to the story, when i wanted to approach her she tried to get her babies away from me, thinking i am a bad person or something when all of a sudden a big dog comes barking at us, and i mean a really really really big dog.He wanted to chase the mamma cat away from her babies but i am not eating that, i take a stick and hit the dog 'till it gives up.The mamma cat comes and purrs at my feet, she was kinda cute to be honest so i took them home.

   And that's how i got 6 baby cats and one mamma cat.

Andytgak: Ai cateva greșeli dar multumesc pentru idee. Modific eu Greșelile, e ok. Multumesc mult!
Fabio44: greselile erau intentionate, e limbaj de cartier stii?Si daca am greseli de exprimare sau gramaticale te-as ruga sa mi le spui
Andytgak: A ok... la limbajul de cartier ma refeream
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