Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Write the date!
E.g.:24 - November → ...
24 – November → the twenty-fourth of November/ November the
a) 25 – December → ...
b) 1 - March → ...
c) 11- July →
d) 21- May →
e) 5 - July →
f)3 - January →
g) 14 – February → ...​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de muresannaomi22


a) the twenty-five of December

b) the one of March

c) the eleven of July

d) the twenty-one of May

e) the five of July

f) the three of January

g) the fourteen of February

Sper ca team ajutat

Coroana ?

muresannaomi22: cred ca o sa te lase mai incolo
muresannaomi22: daca nu te lasa acum
muresannaomi22: suces la scoala !
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