Engleza, întrebare adresată de spireamihaela89, 8 ani în urmă

X 2 Look again at the sentences in Exercise 1 and answer these questions. 1 Which tense do we use to talk about actions or situations that began and finished in the past: the past simple or the present perfect simple? 2 Which tense do we use to talk about actions or situations that continue from the past until now: the past simple or the present perfect simple? 3 With the present perfect, when do we use since? 4 With the present perfect, when do we use for?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucianitu


1. past simple

2. present perfect

3. We use "since" for the actions or situations that began in the past and still continue in the present:

I'm collecting stamps since 2015.

3. We use "for" with a period of time to refer to duration (how long an action or situation lasts).

I've worked in China for eight years.

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