Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciufudelia4, 8 ani în urmă

years old.
You are visiting the London Aquatic Centre and you meet David
Thomas. Read the dialogue and choose the correct answers.
You How old are you?
David ' I'm / I've got 17
You What sport 2 do you do / you do?
My sport is swimming.
You How often 3 you train / do you train in the week?
David 4 I'm training / I train every day, in the morning and in the evening.
You How long are your training sessions?
David My training sessions 5 are / is 2 hours long.
You What do you do / you do in your free time?
David l’play / 'm playing computer games and 8 watch /'m watching TV.
You Really? Who's your coach?
David My coach' has got / is Jodie Saunders.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de pilotlighty


1.im 17

2.do you do

3.do you train

4.i train everyday


6.you do

7.i play



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