Engleza, întrebare adresată de Caramel111, 8 ani în urmă

You are going on Holiday and you Don't Have anyone To look after your dog write an email to andy ,your friend. you shoud:1)tell Andy about your problem;2)adj for Andy's help;3) say how long you willy be in holiday(de 5-7 rânduri)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancaamalia20ox7545
Hello Andy!How are you?I need your help,if you are kind and you want to help me.I am going on holiday this week,at the beach!The problem is that the hotel doesn't let animals in,and you know...my dog Athos,could you look after him 4 days please?I'd be so grateful.
Răspuns de olguta23
hello I am ...this summer I go with my family to Maiami, but I have a problemI can not take my dog ​​with me his name is bruno, will not be 16 daysIAndy I look forward to your respy the , Bruno is a very cheerful but a little capricious  count a lot on your help.

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