Engleza, întrebare adresată de grigoredrozd9650, 8 ani în urmă

You are having a party. Write the invitations. Be sure to say the theme of the party, the date, time and place of the party and also what your guests should bring (or not bring). Then write a short entry on the class blog describing your party. Don’t forget to add pictures.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dumbgirl1000


Hello everyone!

I'm having a party tonight at 6:00 p.m. 24.05.2022. The theme of the party is sports, come dressed as in your favorite sport .Come to house no. 3 on Greenstone Boulevard. It will be cool .

Răspuns de sya19
Hi friends!
I'm sending you this letter to tell you about the biggest party in town, and of course you are invited!
The party will take place at my house , number 3, street Wills, on Saturday at 6 o'clock.
To make it super fun, you could bring your pets too!
See you, bye!
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