Engleza, întrebare adresată de stagelantonio345, 8 ani în urmă

you ever
a. Have / messaged b. Did / messaged c. Were / messaged d. Are / message
9. Have you
downloaded music?
a. since b. yet c. ever d. never
10. They
a lot of books.
a. were sold b. sells c. have sell d. have sold
2. Write sentences using the Present Perfect Simple form of the verbs. (10X3p=30p)
1. (she / pass the exam?)
2. (you/eat lunch yet?)
3. (he / read the newspaper today?)​

DRI5EpeYoutube: nu inteleg cerinta. te rog reposteazo mai clar

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Răspuns de DRI5EpeYoutube


nu pot zice


nu inteleg cerinta, te rog rrepostazo

stagelantonio345: ok
stagelantonio345: gata am repostato
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