Engleza, întrebare adresată de veronicavera26own0vj, 8 ani în urmă

you have a friend on another planet.Write about your secret adventures 100-150 w E URGENT DAU COROANA

veronicavera26own0vj: urgenttt

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anonimus109
I had this friend, is an extraterester from Jupiter , I'm gonna tell you how I'm met him
His name is Jim and we meet in a space navet because I'm working at Nasa. We had an accident one and other when my nave hit his nave but he was nice and take me at his home so I can explore Jupiter and come on Earth with new informations . We keep it in touch and spok everyday sens that

veronicavera26own0vj: multumesc multtt
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