Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andrada1122, 8 ani în urmă

You have had an accident and have been in hospital for a few days. Write a 120-150 word informal Letter to your best friend telling him/her whats happend and asking him/her to visit you in hospital. Sign your letter as Jane.

Va rog ,am nevoie mâine!!

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Explicație: Hello Sandra!

Unfortunatelly i have bad news for you. Next week i won't be able to join you in the trip that we've been planning last week. The reason is that yesterday i've had a car accident. Fortunately i arrived on time at hospital and now i'm out of any danger. But i still have to stay 3 more days in hospital for some new consultation. That is why, i would like you to come and visit me at Baltasar Hospital. The visit hours are between 9 a.m. and 13 p.m. Hope to see you soon.

Your Jane

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