Engleza, întrebare adresată de LixAlex, 8 ani în urmă

You have taken part in a class discussion on whether growing up in big cities is beneficial for the development of a child. You have decided to write an essay for your teacher presenting both sides of the argument. Write your essay in 180-200 words.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucianitu


  • Some people think that growing up in big cities is very beneficial for the development of a child. They believe that city children have more opportunities to learn and develop new skills. They also think that city children are more exposed to different cultures and people, which can help them become more tolerant and open-minded.
  • However, others believe that growing up in big cities can be harmful for the development of a child. They believe that city children are more likely to be exposed to crime and violence. They also think that city children have less opportunity to play and explore outdoors, which can limit their physical and cognitive development.
  • So, which is it? Is growing up in a big city good or bad for the development of a child?
  • There are pros and cons to growing up in a big city.
  • On the one hand, city children have more opportunities to learn and develop new skills. They are also more exposed to different cultures and people, which can help them become more tolerant and open-minded.
  • On the other hand, city children are more likely to be exposed to crime and violence. They also have less opportunity to play and explore outdoors, which can limit their physical and cognitive development.
  • I believe that growing up in a big city has more advantages than disadvantages. First of all, cities offer a greater variety of educational opportunities. For example, there are more private and international schools in cities. In addition, there are more extracurricular activities available, such as music and sports classes.
  • Secondly, there are more job opportunities for young adults in cities. This is because cities have a greater variety of businesses and industries. Young adults can also intern or volunteer in city businesses.
  • Lastly, cities are more cosmopolitan and diverse. This means that children are exposed to different cultures and lifestyles. They learn to be more tolerant and open-minded.
  • In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of growing up in a big city outweigh the disadvantages.
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