Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

you order a pizza last night. you were not happy with what they sent you. Send an email to the pizza shop. in your email you should tell them:
-what you ordered
-why you are not happy
-what you want them to do​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Bogdan2206


Hello, I've ordered a pizza last night and I told you that I don't want pineapple on it, but you sent me a pizza with pineapple. I want one of your delivery boy to come and bring me another pizza...and maybe this time it won't have pineapple on it. If I can't get another pizza at least I want my money back.

Bogdan2206: Oookey, ma voi uita acum.
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