Engleza, întrebare adresată de theodorastefanotc95g, 8 ani în urmă

- … you… the letter? No, I… it. (to finish)
- He… very well lately. (not to work)
- Thomas… her the money. (not to lend)
- … you… anything this morning? (to eat)
- … she ever… a good cake? No, she… (to bake)
- I… from him so far. (not to hear)
- … you… in an examination? No, I… . (to fail)
- He… a play by Shakespeare for a long time. (not to see)
- How long… you… at your present address? (to live)
- She… at her aunt’s for ages. (not to be)
- … you… him this week? No, I… . (to see)
- … he… his play? No, he… . (to finish)
- We… them until now. (not to meet)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ovi50
1)Have you finished the letter?No I haven't finished it.
2)He hasn.t worked very well lately.
3)Thomas hasn't lent her the money.
4)Have you eaten anything this morning?
5)Has she ever baked. a good cake?No she hasn't.
6)Have you failed in an eexamination?No I haven't.
7)He hadn't seen a play by Shakespeare for a long time.
8)How long have you lived at your present address?
9)She had not been at her aunt's for ages.
10)Have you seen him this week?No I haven't.
11)Has he finished his play?no he hasn't.
12)We haven't met him until now.
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