Engleza, întrebare adresată de bogdansucala4, 8 ani în urmă

Your class has just had a debate on the importance of Arts subjects and Science subjects in the school curriculum. Now your teacher has asked you to write a composition giving your opinion on the following statement: Arts subjects are of very little use in today's world.——— Note Clasa dvs. tocmai a avut o dezbatere cu privire la importanța disciplinelor de artă și a disciplinelor de știință în programa școlară. Acum, profesorul dvs. v-a rugat să scrieți o compoziție care să vă dea cu părerea cu privire la următoarea afirmație: Subiectele de artă sunt de foarte puțin folos în lumea de azi.
Opinion article (120-180 words)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexsupport


Yes! Honestly nowadays as we can see, arts subjects are avoided so much, and I don't even understand why, people rather are talking about things which, no matter. I mean arts subjects are very important for me, issues always was, are, will be, but we, all of us, should pay more attention on arts subjects, that's why we are seeing so many murders, robbers, because we don't pay attention on education, which is the important of arts. That's happening around the world, perhaps will change somedays, perhaps won't change.

My point is that we gotta pay more attention on arts subjects, and less to lessons which don't really matter. And for improving our mental health, our thoughts etc!


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