Engleza, întrebare adresată de mickeyhadar1, 8 ani în urmă

Your department is mid-way through a project. As project manager, you realise that you require a number of additional temporary staff that you did not budget for at the start. Your line manager has asked you to write a proposal stating why extra staff are needed and how they might be recruited.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


Dear Line Manager,

I'm writing this letter to get your attention for the following problem:

We're in need for temporary staff members in our team. Since this project is a big one, there is a possibility we won't get the project done until due date. Some current staff members told me they're resigning because of the stress that's happening right now. Therefore, the process for hiring new people will go as follow:

1 - We're releasing applications which contains several questions they'll answer;

2 - We will get citizens attention by creating ads and magazines;

3 - Accepted applications will continue with a training session;

4 - If they did an overall good job, they'll be hired.

With best regards,

Project manager - YOURNAME

Daca nu ai înțeles ceva, te rog să-mi spui!

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