Engleza, întrebare adresată de emilvlasceanu, 8 ani în urmă

Your turn
10 a) Read the rubric and make notes under the headings:
when (the time) - where (the place) - who (the main
character(s)) - what (the events leading up to climax event
& the climax event) - how (the ending of the story &
Your English teacher has asked you to write a short story which
starts with this sentence Ken looked in his backpack to find his
camera, but it wasn't there. Write your story (120-180 words).
b) Use phrases from the Useful Language box to tell your
story to the class.
Use your notes in Fy 10a to write

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de monii2001ro


Poți să faci o poza pentru asta ca sa se inteleaga mai bine?

Alte întrebări interesante