Engleza, întrebare adresată de bababbsbs, 8 ani în urmă

1 A: What ... (you/study) at university? B: L...(not/go) to university. I ... (start) work as soon as I finished school. 2 A: ... (Michelle/apply) for the job as a cashier at the clothes shop? B: Yes, she ... (have) her interview yesterday afternoon 3 A: Why (you/decide) to become a farmer? B: 1... (not/want) to work indoors. I love being outside!

daca puteți sa ma ajutați ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de kingandrei99


What did you study at university?

I did not go to university. I started work as soon as I finished school.

Michelle applied for the job as a cashier at the clothes shop?

Yes she had her interview yesterday afternoon.

Why did you decide to become a farmer?

I did not want to work indoors. I love being outside!


stiu englza mai bnie

bababbsbs: mersiiiiii‍♀️
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