Engleza, întrebare adresată de alinalautaru, 7 ani în urmă

1. Completați propozițiile folosind Conditționala de tip 1. (First Conditional) 30 p a. If he... (save) his money, he ... (be) able to go on holiday. b. If he ... (work) hard, he ... (pass) the exams. c. If they... (earn) enough money, they ... (buy) a car. d. You... (not regret) it if you ... (go) and work for them. e. If I ... (want) to go to university, I... (need) to get good marks. f. If she... (not get) that job, she ... (be) very disappointed.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de messi101170

a.saves, will be

b. works, will pass

c. earn, will buy

d.won't regret, go

e. want, will need

f. doesn't get, will be

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