Engleza, întrebare adresată de BiancaShelley, 9 ani în urmă

1.Find the right headings for the given columns in order to form new compound words.Place the heading word either before or after the noun according to the meaning:


grammar work needle book father bag birth piece man tennis light
boy hold day window mark work break school shoe time line
master wife shop work lord money pay head race cloth bridge

SunAndMoon01: Nu prea inteleg ce aume trebuie sa fac. Ai putea sa scrii care anume sunt cele 2 categorii de cuvinte ce trebuie unite pentru a forma cuvinte noi? Pentru ca nu se intelege
BiancaShelley: am doar fazaMan:head,hous,table,work,land,shop,paper,day,master,horse,school
BiancaShelley: faza cu*
BiancaShelley: si dupa cuv:grammar work needle book father bag birth piece man tennis light
boy hold day window mark work break school shoe time line
master wife shop work lord money pay head race cloth bridge
SunAndMoon01: ok, si cate cuvinte trebuie facute cu fiecare?
BiancaShelley: nu specifica

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de SorinaPetronela01
La al doilea sir ai : tennis man , grammar book,
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