Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

1 ) George's sister Judy is a very organized person. Each week she writes a list of all the chores
she needs to do. Are you organized? Write a list of eight things you need to do this week. Am nevoie repede! ​

ionelaburdusel36: I have homework to do
To do sports
To learn
To organize my things
To go shopping
To buy my clothes
To help my parents
Take care of my brothers

Trebuie sa fac teme
Sa fac sport
Sa invat
Sa imi organizez lucrurile
Sa fac cumparaturile
Sa imi cumpar haine
Sa imi ajut parinti
Sa am grija de fratii mei

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Tyudorr


This week I need to:

- Clean my room

- Wash the dishes

- Vaccum the carpets

- prepare the meals

- feed my pets

-sweep the floors

- clean the bathroom

- take care of my sister

Răspuns de mariucatanasa369


1. make homeworks

2. clean the room

3. prepare for a test

4. learn lessons

5. read a book

6. take care of my animal

7. make an essay in English or in other language

8. take care of my brother/sister/parents

    Sper că te-am ajutat!

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