1. I.as fi sus lui Carmen vestea cea bună daca as fi întâlnit.o aseară
2. Daca nu făcea atâtea greșeli de ortografie nu ar fi luat o notă atât de mică
3. Ar fi prins trenul daca nu ar fi avut o pana de cauciuc la automobil
4. Recolta ar fi fost mai buna daca ar fi plouat la timp
5. Daca ar fi știut mai multe poezii ar fi putut câștigă concursul
6. Profesorul nu l.ar fi certat dacă nu ar fi întârziat 20 de minute
7. N.ar fi avut accidentul dacă ar fi condus mai atent
8. Daca am fi știut ca ai de gând să rămâi peste noapte în oraș te.am fi putut adăposti la noi
9. Sa știi ca ne.am supărat foarte tare daca ne.ai fi refuzat si n.ai fi veni cu noi
10. Ce te.ai fi făcut dacă n.am fi fost cu tine când s.a petrecut accidentul .... va rog ajutați.ma dau coronita
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. I would have told Carmen the good news if I had met her last night. 2. If you had not made so many spelling mistakes you would have taken such a bad mark. 3.He would have caught the train if he hadn't a puncture/flat tyre. 4. The crop would have been better if it had rained on time. 5.If he had known more poems he could have won the contest. 6.The teacher wouldn' t have scolded him if he hadn't been 20 minutes late. 7.He wouldn't have had the accident if he had driven more carefully. 8. If we had known about your plans of spending the night in town, we would have accomodated you. 9. You should know that we would have been very upset if you had turned us down and hadn't come with us. 10.What would you have done if we hadn't been with you at the time of the accident.
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