Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefanagf, 8 ani în urmă

1. ........ I have some more tea, please?
a) would
b) could
c) shall
d) will
2. Everyone's asleep. We ......... make a noise.
b) mustn't
c) needn't
d) wouldn't

3. ......... you like to go for a ride with us?
a) Do
b) Should
c) Will
d) Would
4. I wonder if this is the right way. It ........not be.
a) can
b) could
c) might
d) must
5 . "I don't think I want to see this film." "Oh, I think you ......enjoy it."
a) can
b) shall
c) will
d) would
6. The report .......... to be on my desk tomorrow morning.
a) should
b) must
c) has
d) will
7. I'm quite happy to walk. You ...........drive me home.
a) don't
b) haven't
c) mustn't
d) needn't
8. "........... I show you the way?" "Oh, thank you."
a) Do
b) Shall
c) Will
d) Would
9. It's late. I think we ........... better go.
a) have
b) had
c) should
d) would
10. We all tried to push the van, but it .........move.
a) can't
b) couldn't
c) won't
d) wouldn't
Va rog mult sa ma ajutati!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de barcsailuca2


1 a would ...2 a couldn' t...3 d would ...4 c might ...5 c will...6 b must ...7 a don' t ...8 d would ...9 c should ...10 c won' t

barcsailuca2: Buna , cu placere , daca te mai pot ajuta cu ceva la engleza , o fac cu drag !
stefanagf: Păi mai am un eseu in care sa-mi spun opinia despre adolescenta.
barcsailuca2: posteeaza intrebarea pe BRAINLY si o sa-ti apara un eseu scris in engleza de la o fata Marriaa
barcsailuca2: sa-mi zici daca ai gasit ?
stefanagf: Acum caut
stefanagf: L-am gasit. Multumesc inca odata.
barcsailuca2: ok, sporrr la scris ...zi faina !
barcsailuca2: Teenagers are weird. That' s the first think a nirmal
barcsailuca2: scuzeee...
barcsailuca2: LA 1 este b COULD
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