Engleza, întrebare adresată de NelsonMondial, 8 ani în urmă

1.if you could live in the shape of an animal wich animal would that be? (why)
2.if you could by invisible for a day how would you like to spend that day and why
3.if you could go back time in which period whould you like to live and why.
este urgent...ajutorrr.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Cusic
 1)if i would be in the shape of  an animal i would  be in an owl because owls are so smart and whatever could happen with me , i will be safe 
2)if i would be invisible for a day i would  spend  my day in this way : i will look to people who i dont see everyday....to know what do they do ....
3) i would like to go back to my childhood , to live all my happy moments , because i had a very good childhood

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