Engleza, întrebare adresată de Andreyutzaa, 8 ani în urmă

1. If you were you coat, you ............... ( not / to fall) ill so often.
2. ................ you ( to mind) helping me?
3. I............... ( to like) to introduce you to my uncle.
4. I............ to ( learn ) more if I were you.
5. If they lived in London they................( to go out) quite often.
6. Only a mirade................ ( to help) him)
7. ............... you ( to like ) an orange juice?
8. If Susen passed the exam, she ............ ( to be ale to) work in her uncle's form.
9. What................you ( to do) if you were in my situation ?
10. If I had enough money I............ ( to buy) that car at once.
Vă implooorrr, ajutor!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cardasnicop9tn1c
1- wouldn’t fall
2- Would you mind
3- I would (I’d) like
4- I would learn
5- went out
6- would help
7- would you like
8- would be able to
9- would you do
10- would buy

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