Engleza, întrebare adresată de elena8856f, 7 ani în urmă

1. John is training (train) the boys' football team every Monday,
but this week he training (train) the girls' team.
(you/carry) a helmet? I
2. Why
rafting after school.
3. I
weekend I
4. Most Saturdays Nick
Saturday he
Yes, she
6. Jane usually
7. We often
8. David
weekend we
(hang out) with my friends every weekend, but this
(visit) my cousins in London.
9. What time
Spain this week.
(go) rock climbing, but this
(learn) how to paraglide.
experience with
(prepare) a surprise party for them.
(live) on a farm.
(look after) sick children, but today she
(the train/arrive)? It
(go) shopping at the weekend, but this
(study) for a test.
(not/travel) abroad, but hel
10. Lisa (do) the washing-up at the moment. She
(fly) to
(arrive) at 10
(hate) it.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cosminstan


1. trains; is training

2. are you carring; am going

3. hang ; am visiting

4. goes ; is learning

5. Does she have ; lives

6. la explicație( pe asta fa l singur, îți explic eu)

7. la fel ca la 6

8. la fel ca la 6

9. does the train arrive ; arrives


Cele mai multe răspunsuri din imagine sunt acțiuni temporare. Se da o acțiune care are loc deobieci( perfect simplu) și după aia se da this week, adică temporarul, care se completeaza cu present continuos. Pentru 6,7,8 foloseste ce ți am zis mai sus, sunt la fel ca celelalte.

Sper ca te am ajutat si invata si tu sa faci din astea copilas

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