Engleza, întrebare adresată de 000000438, 8 ani în urmă

1.Mr. Brown was deinking cofee but his wife wasn’t
2.Helen wasn’t listening to the teacher but the pupil next to her was
3. They were riding thaie likes but their friends wan’t
4. My friend was playing on the computer but I wan’t
5. Laura was eating on icecream but Daisy wasn’t
6. I was doing my hommework but you weren’t
7. Nick was playing the guitar but Victor wasn’t

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anamaria2527
Was Mr. Brown drinking coffee but his wife wasn't?
Wasn't Helen listening to the teacher but was the pupil next to her?
Were they riding but weren't they're friends?
Was my friend playing on a computer but I wasn't?
Was Laura eating icecream while Daisy wasn't?
Was I doing my homework while you weren't?
Was Nick playing the guitar but Victor wasn't?
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