Engleza, întrebare adresată de ad858309, 8 ani în urmă

1 My brother eat / eats strawberries every day!
2 Strawberries help/helps you to stay healthy.
3 They contain / contains vitamin C.
4 Your body need / needs vitamin C for
5 Most animals produce / produces vitamin C in
their bodies, but not humans.​Cine ma ajuta e urgenta

Răspunsuri la întrebare

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❀ Hello! ❀

❁ Answer

1. My brother eats strawberries every day!

2. Strawberries help you to stay healthy.

3. They contain vitamin C.

4. Your body needs vitamin C for protection.

5. Most animals produce vitamin C in their bodies, but not humans.

❀ Success! ❀

comusdenis: Mulțumim !
cozonacpufos: multumesc
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